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Lỗi biến tần Holip
VINITECH chuyên sửa chữa biến tần, servo tại Đồng Nai, Bình Dương...
No. Description Warning Alarm Trip locked
1 10 Volts low (10 VOLT LOW) X
2 Live zero fault (LIVE ZERO ERROR) X X
3 No motor (NO MOTOR) X
4 Phase fault(MAINS PHASE LOSS) X X X
5 Voltage warning high (DC LINK VOLTAGE HIGH) X
6 Voltage warning low (DC LINK VOLTAGE LOW) X
7 Overvoltage (DC LINK OVERVOLT) X X
8 Undervoltage (DC LINK UNDERVOLT) X X
9 Inverter overladed (INVERTER TIME) X X
10 Motor overloaded (MOTOR TIME) X X
11 Motor thermistor (MOTOR THERMISTOR) X X
12 Torque limit (TORQUE LIMIT) X X
13 Overcurrent (OVERCURRENT) X X X
14 Earth fault (EARTH FAULT) X X
15 Switch mode fault (SWITCH MODE FAULT) X X
16 Short-circuit (CURR.SHORT CIRCUIT) X X
17 Standard bus timeout (STD BUS TIMEOUT) X X
18 HPFB bus timeout (HPFB TIMEOUT) X X
19 Fault in EEprom on power card (EE ERROR POWER CARD) X
20 Fault in EEprom on conrol card (EE ERROR CTRL. CARD) X
21 Auto-optimisation OK (AUTO MOTOR ADAPT OK) X
22 Auto-optimisation not OK (AUTO MOT ADAPT FAIL) X
23 Brake test failed (BRAKE TEST FAILED) X X
25 Brake resistor short-circuited (BRAKE RESISTOR FAULT ) X
26 Brake resistor power 100% (BRAKE POWER 100%) X X
27 Brake transistor short-circuited (BRAKE IGBT FAULT) X
29 Heat-sink temperature too high (HEAT SINK OVER TEMP.) X X
30 Motor phase U missing (MISSING MOT.PHASE U) X
31 Motor phase V missing (MISSING MOT.PHASE V) X
32 Motor phase W missing (MISSING MOT.PHASE W) X
33 Quick discharge not OK (QUICK DISCHARGE FAIL) X X
34 Profibus communication fault(PROFIBUS COMM. FAULT) X X
35 Out of frequency range(OUT FREQ RNG/ROT LIM) X
36 Mains failure (MAINS FAILURE) X X
37 Inverter fault (INVERTER FAULT) X X
39 Check parameters 104 and 106 (CHECK P.104 & P.106) X
40 Check parameters 103 and 105 (CHECK P.103 & P.105) X
41 Motor too big (Motor too big) X
42 Motor too small (Motor too small) X
43 Brake fault (BRAKE FAULT) X X
44 Encoder loss (ENCODER FAULT) X X